How to Clean Barefoot Shoes? Useful Tips and What to Avoid

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Most people think that cleaning barefoot shoes is a difficult and time-consuming task. However, with a few simple tips, you can clean your barefoot shoes quickly and easily. In this article, we will show you how to clean barefoot shoes in just a few minutes.

One common way is, to remove the shoelaces from the shoes. Then, use a soft shoe brush to remove any coarse dirt or debris from the shoes. Next, use wet wipes or a damp cloth to wipe down the outside of the boots. Finally, let the shoe air dry before putting them back on.

Can You Wash Your Barefoot Shoes in the Washing Machine?

In short – yes, you can wash your barefoot shoes in the washing machine. However, it is important to use the gentle cycle and to put the shoes in a mesh laundry bag to protect them. You should also refrain from using any harsh detergents or bleach as these can damage the shoes. Let the shoes air dry after washing them.

It is very important to read the care instructions that come with your shoes before you attempt to clean them. This will help you avoid damaging the shoes and voiding any warranties that may be in place.

If you have leather shoes, you will want to use a different method to clean them. First, remove the shoelaces and use a dedicated brush to remove any dirt or debris. Then, use a leather cleaner to wipe down the shoes. Let the shoe air dry before putting them back on.

Some barefoot shoes are organic and should not be washed with harsh chemicals. Others may have special instructions for cleaning and care. For example, Vivobarefoot shoes have a care guide that includes instructions for cleaning the shoes. These shoes require a different care and cleaning method than most other shoes. Machine washing these shoes can damage them and use unnecessary energy.

Merrel barefoot footwear is made with a special material that is designed to be washed in the washing machine. The shoes can be put in a mesh laundry bag and washed on a gentle cycle. You should avoid using bleach or any other harsh chemicals when washing these shoes. Let the shoes air dry after washing them.

In general, it is best to avoid using any harsh chemicals or cleaners on your barefoot shoes. These can damage the shoes and shorten their lifespan. Instead, opt for gentle and natural cleaners whenever possible.

Cleaning your barefoot shoes regularly will help them last longer and look their best. With just a few minutes of care, you can keep your shoes looking like new.


How to Stop Your Barefoot Shoes From Smelling?

If your barefoot shoes are starting to smell, there are a few things you can do to freshen them up. First, remove the shoelaces and insoles from the shoes. Then, sprinkle baking soda inside the shoes and let them sit for a few hours. You can also place a dryer sheet inside each shoe to help absorb any odors. Finally, be sure to air out your shoes after wearing them and store them in a cool, dry place.

How to Clean Barefoot Shoe Insoles?

The insoles of your shoes can be cleaned in a few simple steps:

1. Remove the insoles from your shoes and vacuum them to remove any dirt or debris.

2. Mix a solution of 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water in a bowl.

3. Dip a cloth in the solution and use it to scrub the insoles clean.

4. Rinse the insoles with lightly soapy water and let them dry before putting them back in your shoes. You can gently squeeze them to speed up the drying process. Be sure to avoid strong heat sources, as they can damage the materials.


5. If your insoles are still smelling, you can sprinkle them with baking soda and let them sit for a few hours before vacuuming them again.

When Should You Replace Your Barefoot Shoes?

It’s hard to tell when it’s time to replace your shoes. However, if you notice that the shoes are starting to wear down or they are no longer comfortable, it may be time for a new pair. Additionally, if you see any cracks or holes in the shoes, it’s time to say goodbye and get a new pair.

Some barefoot shoes are durable and can last for years with proper care. However, others may only last a few months. It all depends on the quality of the shoes and how often you wear them. If you take good care of your shoes and rotate them with other pairs, they will last longer.

Cleaning your barefoot shoes is essential to maintain their appearance and prolong their life. With a little bit of care, you can keep your shoes looking and feeling like new.

What Is the Best Way to Clean Your Barefoot Shoes?

While there are a lot of cleaning supplies on the market that can be used on your barefoot shoes, not all of them are created equal. To get your shoes clean and keep them looking new, you need to use the right supplies and techniques.

Here are a few tips on how to clean your barefoot shoes:

1. Use mild soap or detergent when cleaning your shoes. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasives as they can damage the material of your shoes. You can use a warm soapy water solution to clean the outside of your shoes.

2. Always test any cleaning solution in an inconspicuous area of the shoe before applying it to the entire surface. This will help you avoid any potential damage to the color or material of your shoes.

3. When cleaning the soles of your shoes, be sure to use a soft cloth or brush. scrubbing too hard can damage the material and cause the soles to become worn down prematurely.

4. To remove tough stains, you may need to pre-treat the area with a stain remover before washing.

5. Air dry your shoes whenever possible. Avoid using a clothes dryer as the heat can damage the material of your shoes.

How do you deodorize barefoot shoes?

There are a few different ways that you can deodorize your barefoot shoes. One way is to sprinkle baking soda inside the shoes and let them sit for a few hours.

You can also place a dryer sheet inside each shoe to help absorb any odors. Make sure to air out your shoes after wearing them, and store them in a cool, dry place. This will help them last longer.

You can also find commercial shoe deodorizers that can be sprayed inside the shoes. These products usually contain enzymes that help to break down odor-causing bacteria.

Another thing to take into consideration is your socks. If you’re not wearing breathable socks, this can cause your shoes to become smelly. Be sure to choose socks made from natural materials that will help to wick away moisture.

How do you care for barefoot shoes?

Just like any other shoe, proper care is important to prolong the life of your barefoot footwear. Be sure to clean them regularly and store them in a cool, dry place. Additionally, you should rotate between different pairs of shoes to give them time to air out and recover from wear and tear.

When it comes to daily care, simply brushing off dirt and debris with a soft cloth is usually sufficient. If your shoes are starting to look a bit dull, you can clean them with mild soap and cold water. Just be sure to avoid using harsh chemicals or scrubbing too vigorously, as this could damage the material.

For a deeper clean, you can remove the insole and soak them in a mixture of warm water and baking soda. Once they have soaked for a few minutes, scrub them gently with a soft brush before rinsing thoroughly. you can squeeze them gently to get rid of any excess water and then, Let your shoe dry completely before wearing them again.

It’s also important to protect your barefoot shoes from the elements. If you know you’ll be walking in wet conditions, consider applying a waterproofing spray before heading out. This will help to keep your footwear clean and dry, even when they’re exposed to moisture.

Tom McDermott

Tom McDermott

Barefoot shoes have quite literally changed my life. Obviously I can't make any medical claims, but for me, going the BFS route saved me and rid me of years worth of back and knee aches.
So I'm going to share some great info here.

About Me

Barefoot shoes have quite literally changed my life. Obviously I can’t make any medical claims, but for me, going the BFS route saved me and rid me of years worth of back and knee aches.
So I’m going to share some great info here.

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